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Date: 16 Oct 2023
“I’ve got the polar bug!” claims Brian C., who chose the Canadian Arctic for his fourth (yes, 4th!) polar voyage.
Date: 21 Aug 2023
Greenland is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. As the world's largest island with one of the largest swaths of land that has been left untouched by human activity, Greenland offers visitors some of the most incredible natural wonders in the world. From mountainous terrain to deep fjords and the world-famous Greenland Ice Sheet, there's something for every polar adventurer to witness on this incredible island.
Date: 13 Jun 2023
“Taking your children into the Arctic wilderness is one of the most educational and life-changing experiences you can provide your child,” said Andrew White, President of Quark Expeditions. “I traveled to the Polar Regions with both of my children, when they were 14 and 15 years old, and the profound impact on them was astounding. Exploring the Arctic deepened their connection to nature and created family memories that we still talk about more than a decade later.