every travel expert's must-have resource!
Calculate the savings to your business when you join Tour Atlas
ROI Calculator
Creating Brochures
How many weeks does it take to create your brochure?
*Industry average is 2 weeks
Weekly costs of employee/contractors?
Printing cost?
*Prices based on industry averages
Delivery costs? This covers courier and postage costs
Storage costs?
Tour-Atlas Subscription
How much is Tour Atlas yearly subscription?
How many tours do you have?
Do you have an API system for publishing your itineraries?
*Tour Atlas includes use of API Atlas, giving you an API system
On average you can data enter around 4 tours per hour into API Atlas. If you select No, we will include the cost of data entry.
Costs will be based on your Weekly cost selction in the Creating Brochures section
Saving Summary
Your total saving subscribing to Tour Atlas would be per year.
Reduced your brouchure production by 50% and subscribing to Tour Atlas would save you per year.
Cost of subscribing to Tour-Atlas
Based on your TTV the yearly subscription to Tour-Atlas is .
Tour Atlas subscription includes access to API Atlas. API Atlas is a simple tour management platform which provides you with API technology. API Atlas allows you to enter an unlimited number of products.
No brochures, no waste, paperless and environmentally friendly
Cost of creating Brochures
The total yearly cost of producing brochures is . Which is per brochure. Industry figures show us that only 20% of brochures actually contribute to direct sales. Taking this into consideration, your per brochure cost as a return on sales is
100% of all brochures end up in the rubbish bin or recycling bin.
Why your brand needs to be on Tour Atlas

Tour Atlas is a digital distribution platform that connects travel advisors with suppliers of land and river based product and facilitates enquiries or direct bookings via website clickthrough. The platform is a low-cost solution that enhances existing methods of lead generation with itineraries or supplier profiles appearing in searches, promoting brand profile, specials and sales and publishing of targeted blog content. Our search is unbiased and returns results that match the travel advisor’s search

  • Connect your brand with independent agencies as they are quite often the hardest ones to reach and maintain contact with. Our easy to use, low maintenance portal lists everything you want the travel advisors to know about your business, including brand profile, booking contact details, links to brochures and videos
  • The platform compliments your team, it does not compete with it. We fit in with the sales strategy that has been created, you decide how we support your business
  • Tour Atlas is a valuable addition to the suite of tools currently used to increase brand and product awareness by providing an additional touchpoint for travel advisors through our easy to use search function and virtual BDM portal
  • We can provide pre-sales insights on searches, views and click throughs that cannot be gathered from any other platform currently in the market.
  • Tour Atlas API can streamline the transfer of tour information from your system to our search engine
  • Over 90% of consumers use online search sites when researching travel, including travel advisors
  • The travel industry is full of disruption, Tour Atlas supports and connects instead of disrupting
  • Lower IT costs and faster implementation than developing an in-house application
  • Tour Atlas is an IT company solely focused on the continual development and refinement of our touring product database, API’s and search engines
  • Australian based company, we are the developer and do not out source
Tour Atlas is a digital distribution platform that connects travel advisors with tour operators and wholesalers

Our model is subscription based only, we don’t clip the ticket or charge per click or view. Running on this model ensures that we stay neutral and that a supplier cannot pay more to have their tours rank ahead of their competitors. We believe that this is the best option for both the consumer, travel agent and supplier. Our philosophy is that matching the right product to the client’s needs produces the best outcome for everyone.

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