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50 Degrees North is a niche, independently owned and fully licensed tour operator specializing in Scandinavia, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, the Arctic, the Baltics, Russia, Mongolia and Kamchatka. The company operates exceptional tailor-made and small escorted tours in destinations located north of the 50th parallel. 

50 Degrees North is recognized for its local expertise, the originality of their programs and detailed operation. The company was established in 2010 and their headquarters is located in Lillehammer, Norway. They have offices in Melbourne, Vancouver and Reykjavik

We have just introduced a new, exclusive 9-day tour, ‘Western Fjords Hike’. Aimed at all active adventurers with a reasonable fitness level and a love for hiking, this tour takes them into the heart of the unique, secluded and exceptionally beautiful Western fjords in Norway, away from the summer crowds.

The ‘Western Fjords Hike’ follows 50 Degrees North’s signature style of taking travellers ‘off the beaten path’ and into hard-to-reach yet profoundly stunning and authentic parts of the Nordics. This is enabled on this tour partly by the use of a private minivan with space for up to 12 people – both a highly flexible and safe alternative to public transport or a private rental car. However, the hikes in this tour make the experience all the more exclusive and unique, offering breathtaking panoramic views that few travellers get to see for themselves. 

This is an active tour with guided day hikes and some of the trails are very steep and long – a great challenge for anyone seeking an active escape in secluded and beautiful scenery”, says Tietse Stelma, 50 Degrees North’s CEO and founder. 

The self-guided tour starts from Bergen and finishes in Ålesund. In between, travellers get to hike in several breathtaking locations, join the locals on a ferry ride from Bergen to Kalvåg, catch a private 50 Degrees North minivan through the Western fjords with Loen as the main base, and travel along the Norfjord and the Hjørundfjord, two stunning fjords surrounded by lush forests and small, scenic villages. Once in Ålesund, the trekkers also get to embark on an exciting Wildlife Sea Safari in a high-speed RIB-boat. 

For more information on the ‘Western Fjords Hike’ tour, please visit: